Throughout September and into October fall was slowly sneaking up on us. You could see an overall color shift in the foliage: dark kelly green becoming more olive-toned, as if the trees were tarnishing. This is a view of the Penobscot Narrows Bridge. There's an observatory at the top of the left tower.
Then: FWOOOM!!! Everything deciduous in our neighborhood turned color overnight! Red! Scarlet! Orange! Gold! Maroon! And the yellows especially abound, from the brassy maples to the butter-pale witch hazels. As for brown: we got 'em. And as Keith would say: who knew browns could be bright? Caramel, mahogany, and frequently multiples from above blending on the same leaf!
But there are still a lot of beauty spots to be found by just driving down almost any random street. These pictures were taken on the shores of Lake Auburn.
These trees are in Freeport, just a little way down from the When Pigs Fly bakeshop.
Some trees near Bates College are just getting started.
We will doubtlessly find more as we continue to explore Maine!
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