Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Berry Patch

back cover
inside front cover

 I seem to be finding old books recently. Flea markets, book stores, yard sales are the locations of these finds. All at good prices. Most of what I have been picking up relate to old movies or tv shows from when I was a kid. The two pictured here are very much an exception to that, being from 1884 and well before television.

 A local yard sale was featuring finds from an old house that had been closed up for 80 or so years. They had a box of paperback books like these for a dime apiece. I anticipating the writing to be horrible, but ten cents each? I wanted a couple at least. I chose two that I thought were in better condition and had better graphics.

I started reading one of the books. The writing feels stilted, as much of the writing from the time does, with the extra burden of mass produced hack work. I expected this and was not put off by it. The subject matter is what keeps me from enjoying it. Rather primitive form of a romance novel.

 I've scanned the ads from Doris' Fortune to post here, but in doing so I have damaged the book, causing the cover to come off. The inside pages are stapled together, but the cover was glued on. 128 year old glue doesn't hold up to much handling. I am not going to post any interior scans from Lancaster's Choice.

 For a larger view of any of these pages, click on the letter 'K' in the pic

Friday, June 29, 2012

Beachin' to the Choir

 Carrie had got word of a Meetup with some people of similar interests down in Kittery Point on Seapoint Beach. I tagged along so I could play with my new camera. The parking lot was for local residents only, but fortunately there was some other parking available not too far away. We were early and went wading. Eventually Carrie put on her suit and went swimming.

As you can see, the place wasn't very crowded, in spite of it being a sunny summer Sunday. Even the Meetup drew only one other person. One end of the beach was clogged with seaweed, but there was plenty of uncluttered sandy shore to enjoy.

I must admit, however, that I find the rocky shores more visually interesting. So while Carrie was busy with chatting, swimming, and burning, I wandered out to the edges and climbed around on rocks.

Carrie also fed the gulls.

click on any pic to enlarge

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Frog Days of Summer

Frog Day Afternoon
A small outing today to go to the Cumberland giant yard sale. Flea market really. On the way home we stopped at the vet's to get some special food for Ghost and looked in on their pond. I stopped to say hi to this fellow.

click on a webbed foot to enlarge the photo