This Saturday I went to view the Lighting of the Nubble Lighthouse. Rather than the usual nightly, all-night occurrence, this was a holiday event with children's choirs singing seasonal ditties and free hot cocoa and cookies. Of practical interest were the shuttle buses that brought people up from the more available parking of Ellis Park to the very limited space of Cape Neddick. There were a number of folks, adults and kids, climbing around the rocks with surprisingly few flashlights in evidence. Guess who got to play lighthouse for some of them? Those close enough to the shore could see the local scuba diving chapter bring up a lit Xmas tree from the harbor bottom. At 6:00 when it was fully dark we had a count down and the lighthouse buildings came on with lights trimming every eaves and roofline. As spectacles went: it was very modest, but the charm was in the ambiance so I found it a nice enough way to kick off the holidays. Obviously many of the locals agree: I overheard a conversation about lightings of years passed.
Now some of you might be wondering why the accompanying photo shows a daytime picture of what could only be a warmer time. The reason is: I was solo on this venture. Lacking Keith meant lacking Keith's camera with its photograph it today, download it tonight capability.
I bought a disposable camera and took such pictures as I could, but now I have to wait until it's used up or sacrifice some shots. The experience has convinced me that yes, there are photo ops when Keith isn't around. Walking Pandora has also provided a few such occasions. So I've decided to get a decent camera of my own. Nothing as elaborate as Keith's, but one where I can see a preview of the shot I took, has a zoom, and can be easily operated with a dog trying to yank my arm off.
That's an interesting way to start the holiday season. Hope you will show pictures later if possible.